32-1663.01. Administrative violations; administrative penalty A. The board may sanction any of the following as an administrative violation rather than as unprofessional conduct and may impose an administrative penalty of not more than one thousand dollars for any of the following: 1. Failing to timely renew a nursing license or nurse assistant certificate while continuing to practice nursing or engage in activities or duties related to nursing. 2. Failing to notify the board in writing within thirty days after a change in address. 3. Failing to renew nursing or nursing assistant program approval and continuing to operate the program. 4. If the board adopts a substantive policy statement pursuant to section 41-1091, practicing nursing without a license. B. A regulated party who fails to pay an administrative penalty as prescribed by this section or to establish a schedule for payment as prescribed pursuant to section 32-1606, subsection A, paragraph 6 within thirty days after notification commits an act of unprofessional conduct and is subject to disciplinary action. C. The board shall deposit, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, all monies collected under this section in the state general fund. |