32-2003. Board; powers and duties A. The board shall: 1. Evaluate the qualifications of applicants for licensure and certification. 2. Provide for national examinations for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants and adopt passing scores for these examinations. 3. Issue licenses, permits and certificates to persons who meet the requirements of this chapter. 4. Regulate the practice of physical therapy by interpreting and enforcing this chapter. 5. Adopt and revise rules to enforce this chapter. 6. Meet at least once each quarter in compliance with the open meeting requirements of title 38, chapter 3, article 3.1 and keep an official record of these meetings. 7. Establish the mechanisms for assessing continuing professional competence of physical therapists to engage in the practice of physical therapy and the competence of physical therapist assistants to work in the field of physical therapy. 8. At its first regular meeting after the start of each calendar year, elect officers from among its members and as necessary to accomplish board business. 9. Provide for the timely orientation and training of new professional and public appointees to the board regarding board licensing and disciplinary procedures, this chapter, board rules and board procedures. 10. Maintain a current list of all persons regulated under this chapter. This list shall include the person's name, current business and residential addresses, telephone numbers and license or certificate number. 11. Employ necessary personnel to carry out the administrative work of the board. Board personnel are eligible to receive compensation pursuant to section 38-611. 12. Enter into contracts for services necessary for adequate enforcement of this chapter. 13. Report final disciplinary action taken against a licensee or a certificate holder to a national disciplinary database recognized by the board. 14. Publish, at least annually, final disciplinary actions taken against a licensee or a certificate holder. 15. Publish, at least annually, board rulings, opinions and interpretations of statutes or rules in order to guide persons regulated pursuant to this chapter. 16. Not later than December 31 of each year, submit a written report of its actions and proceedings to the governor. 17. Establish and collect fees. 18. Provide information to the public regarding the board, its processes and consumer rights. B. The board may establish a committee or committees to assist it in carrying out its duties for a time prescribed by the board. The board may require a committee appointed pursuant to this subsection to make regular reports to the board. |