32-2521. Qualifications (L08, Ch. 167, sec. 1. Eff. until 1/1/11) A. An applicant for licensure shall: 1. Have attended and completed a course of training for physician assistants approved by the board. 2. Pass a certifying examination approved by the board. 3. Be physically and mentally able to safely perform health care tasks as a physician assistant. 4. Have a professional record that indicates that the applicant has not committed any act or engaged in any conduct that constitutes grounds for disciplinary action against a licensee pursuant to this chapter. This paragraph does not prevent the board from considering the application of an applicant who was the subject of disciplinary action in another jurisdiction if the applicant's act or conduct was subsequently corrected, monitored and resolved to the satisfaction of that jurisdiction's regulatory board. 5. Not have had a license to practice revoked by a regulatory board in another jurisdiction in the United States for an act that occurred in that jurisdiction that constitutes unprofessional conduct pursuant to this chapter. 6. Not be currently under investigation, suspension or restriction by a regulatory board in another jurisdiction in the United States for an act that occurred in that jurisdiction that constitutes unprofessional conduct pursuant to this chapter. If the applicant is under investigation by a regulatory board in another jurisdiction, the board shall suspend the application process and may not issue or deny a license to the applicant until the investigation is resolved. 7. Not have surrendered, relinquished or given up a license in lieu of disciplinary action by a regulatory board in another jurisdiction in the United States for an act that occurred in that jurisdiction that constitutes unprofessional conduct pursuant to this chapter. This paragraph does not prevent the board from considering the application of an applicant who surrendered, relinquished or gave up a license in lieu of disciplinary action by a regulatory board in another jurisdiction if that regulatory board subsequently reinstated the applicant's license. B. The board may: 1. Require an applicant to submit written or oral proof of credentials. 2. Make such investigations as it deems necessary to advise itself with respect to the qualifications of the applicant including physical examinations, mental evaluations, written competency examinations or any combination of such examinations and evaluations. 3. Grant an exemption from the licensure requirements of this section to: (a) A student enrolled in a physician assistant education program approved by the board in order for that student to work within that program. The student shall register with the board on a form prescribed by the board. (b) A physician assistant who is an employee of the United States government and who works on land or in facilities owned or operated by the United States government or a physician assistant who is a member of the reserve components of the United States and on official orders or performing official duties as outlined in the appropriate regulation of that branch. C. If the board finds that the applicant committed an act or engaged in conduct that would constitute grounds for disciplinary action in this state, before issuing a license the board must determine to its satisfaction that the act or conduct has been corrected, monitored and resolved. If the act or conduct has not been resolved, before issuing a license the board must determine to its satisfaction that mitigating circumstances exist that prevent its resolution. D. If another jurisdiction has taken disciplinary action against an applicant, before issuing a license the board must determine to its satisfaction that the cause for the action was corrected and the matter was resolved. If the other jurisdiction has not resolved the matter, before issuing a license the board must determine to its satisfaction that mitigating circumstances exist that prevent its resolution. E. The board may delegate to the executive director the authority to deny licenses to applicants who do not meet the requirements of this section. |