32-2610. Reciprocal agreements; recognition A. The department may enter into a reciprocal agreement with a state that has security guard qualification laws substantially similar to this chapter to allow a security guard registration to be used by the registrant within the jurisdiction of either this state or the other state. The department may enter into the agreement if the issuing authority for the other state meets all of the following conditions: 1. Issues a security guard identification card with an expiration date printed on the card. 2. Is available to verify the registration status for law enforcement purposes within three business days after a request for verification. 3. Has disqualification, suspension and revocation requirements for registrations. 4. Requires that the applicant for a registration submit to a criminal history records check pursuant to section 41-1750 and applicable federal law. B. The department may recognize security guard registrations from states that have security guard qualification laws substantially similar to this chapter if the issuing authority for the other state meets all of the conditions prescribed in subsection A, paragraphs 1 through 4 of this section. C. The reciprocal agreement or recognition shall be limited and is intended only to allow security guard agencies that maintain business operations in multiple states to use their security guards to meet temporary demands. For a security guard from another state to work in this state, the department shall set appropriate restrictions that shall include the following provisions: 1. The security guard shall possess a security guard registration in good standing from another state. 2. The security guard shall be employed by a security guard agency licensed in this state that possesses a security guard agency license in both states in good standing. 3. The security guard shall work no more than thirty days in a calendar year in this state. 4. The security guard agency shall provide written notification to the department on a form provided by the department. 5. Security guards who possess only a temporary or provisional registration shall not be permitted to work in this state. |