32-3504. Powers and duties; inspection of records; personnel examinations; immunity A. The board shall: 1. Enforce and administer the provisions of this chapter. 2. Adopt rules necessary to administer this chapter. 3. Examine applicants for licensure pursuant to this chapter at times and places it designates. 4. Investigate each applicant for licensure, before a license is issued, in order to determine if the applicant is qualified pursuant to this chapter. 5. Keep a record of all its acts and proceedings pursuant to this chapter, including the issuance, refusal, renewal, suspension or revocation of licenses. 6. Beginning on January 1, 1999, require each applicant for initial licensure to submit a full set of fingerprints to the board for a state and federal criminal history records check pursuant to section 41-1750 and Public Law 92-544. 7. Maintain a register which contains the name, the last known place of residence and the date and number of the license of all persons licensed pursuant to this chapter. 8. Compile, once every two years, a list of licensed respiratory care practitioners who are authorized to practice in this state. 9. Establish minimum annual continuing education requirements for persons licensed under this chapter. B. The board, in approving training programs for respiratory therapists and training programs for respiratory therapy technicians shall consider the requirements and standards set by the American medical association's committee on allied health education and accreditation in collaboration with the joint review committee for respiratory therapy education. The board may recognize examinations administered by a national board for respiratory care approved by the board. C. The board may employ an executive officer and other temporary and permanent personnel it deems necessary. The executive officer and other personnel are eligible to receive compensation pursuant to section 38-611. D. The board may conduct examinations under a uniform examination system and may make arrangements with the national board of respiratory care or other organizations regarding examination materials it determines necessary and desirable. E. The board and its members, temporary and permanent personnel and board examiners are personally immune from suit with respect to all acts done and actions taken in good faith and in furtherance of the purposes of this chapter. |