32-822. Application for examination A. An applicant for a podiatry examination shall file with the secretary of the board of podiatry examiners, not less than ninety days before the date of such examination, an application to take the examination, accompanied by the required fee, on a form prescribed and furnished by the board. The application shall contain evidence of the necessary qualifications as the board requires and shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant. B. An applicant for a license pursuant to section 32-827 shall file with the secretary of the board, no later than ninety days before the date of the next oral and practical examination, an application for a license pursuant to section 32-827, accompanied by the required fee, on a form prescribed and furnished by the board. The application shall contain evidence of the necessary qualifications as the board requires and shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant. C. Each application submitted pursuant to this section shall contain the oath of the applicant that: 1. All of the information contained in the application and accompanying evidence or other credentials submitted is true and correct. 2. The credentials submitted with the application were procured without fraud or misrepresentation or any mistake of which the applicant is aware and that the applicant is the lawful holder of the credentials. D. All applications, completed or otherwise, together with all attendant evidence, credentials and other proof submitted with the applications are the property of the board. E. The board shall, promptly and in writing, inform an applicant of any deficiency existing in his application for licensure under this article which prevents the application from being processed. F. An applicant who disagrees with the statement of deficiency shall upon request be granted a hearing before the board at its next regular meeting. At any hearing granted pursuant to this subsection, the burden of proof is on the applicant to demonstrate that the alleged deficiencies do not exist. |