33-1808. Flag display; political signs; caution signs; for sale signs; political petitions A. Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, an association shall not prohibit the outdoor display of any of the following: 1. The American flag or an official or replica of a flag of the United States army, navy, air force, marine corps or coast guard by an association member on that member's property if the American flag or military flag is displayed in a manner consistent with the federal flag code (P.L. 94-344; 90 Stat. 810; 4 United States Code sections 4 through 10). 2. The POW/MIA flag. 3. The Arizona state flag. 4. An Arizona Indian nations flag. B. The association shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations regarding the placement and manner of display of the American flag, the military flag, the POW/MIA flag, the Arizona state flag or an Arizona Indian nations flag. The association rules may regulate the location and size of flagpoles but shall not prohibit the installation of a flagpole. C. Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, an association shall not prohibit the indoor or outdoor display of a political sign by an association member on that member's property, except that an association may prohibit the display of political signs earlier than forty-five days before the day of an election and later than seven days after an election day. An association may regulate the size and number of political signs that may be placed on a member's property if the association's regulation is no more restrictive than any applicable city, town or county ordinance that regulates the size and number of political signs on residential property. If the city, town or county in which the property is located does not regulate the size and number of political signs on residential property, the association shall permit at least one political sign with the maximum dimensions of twenty-four inches by twenty-four inches on a member's property. For the purposes of this subsection, "political sign" means a sign that attempts to influence the outcome of an election, including supporting or opposing the recall of a public officer or supporting or opposing the circulation of a petition for a ballot measure, question or proposition or the recall of a public officer. D. Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, an association shall not prohibit the use of cautionary signs regarding children if the signs are used and displayed as follows: 1. The signs are displayed in residential areas only. 2. The signs are removed within one hour of children ceasing to play. 3. The signs are displayed only when children are actually present within fifty feet of the sign. 4. The temporary signs are no taller than three feet in height. 5. The signs are professionally manufactured or produced. E. Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, an association shall not prohibit children who reside in the planned community from engaging in recreational activity on residential roadways that are under the jurisdiction of the association and on which the posted speed limit is twenty-five miles per hour or less. F. Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, an association shall not prohibit the indoor or outdoor display of a for sale sign and a sign rider by an association member on that member's property, including a sign that indicates the member is offering the property for sale by owner. The size of a sign offering a property for sale shall be in conformance with the industry standard size sign, which shall not exceed eighteen by twenty-four inches, and the industry standard size sign rider, which shall not exceed six by twenty-four inches. With respect to real estate for sale or lease in the planned community, an association shall not prohibit or otherwise regulate any of the following: 1. Temporary open house signs or a unit owner's for sale sign. The association shall not require the use of particular signs indicating an open house or real property for sale and may not further regulate the use of temporary open house or for sale signs that are industry standard size and that are owned or used by the seller or the seller's agent. 2. Open house hours. The association may not limit the hours for an open house for real estate that is for sale in the planned community, except that the association may prohibit an open house being held before 8:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. and may prohibit open house signs on the common areas of the planned community. 3. An owner's or an owner's agent's for lease sign unless an association's documents prohibit or restrict leasing of a member's property. An association shall not further regulate a for lease sign or require the use of a particular for lease sign other than the for lease sign shall not be any larger than the industry standard size sign of eighteen by twenty-four inches on or in the member's property. If leasing of a member's property is not prohibited or restricted, the association may prohibit open house leasing being held before 8:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. G. Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, an association shall not prohibit but may reasonably regulate the circulation of political petitions, including candidate nomination petitions or petitions in support of or opposition to an initiative, referendum or recall or other political issue on property dedicated to the public within the association. A planned community is not required to comply with this subsection if the planned community restricts vehicular or pedestrian access to the planned community. Nothing in this subsection requires a planned community to make its common elements available for the circulation of political petitions to anyone who is not an owner or resident of the community. |