34-244. Provisions inapplicable to federal aid contracts when federal law conflicts A. If any provision or condition of this article or section 34-301, 34-302 or 38-481 conflicts with any provision of federal law or any rule or regulation made under federal law pertaining to federal aid contracts, such provision or condition shall not apply on federal aid contracts to the extent that conflict exists, but all provisions or conditions of sections with which there is no conflict shall apply to federal aid contracts. B. Political subdivisions shall, when federal law, rules or regulations permit, enter into and perform any contract subject to the provisions or conditions of this article and sections 34-301, 34-302 and 38-481, and shall obligate from such funds the amount that the representatives of the federal government require to be deducted from the federal aid funds allotted to the contract by reason of the application of the provisions and conditions of such sections. |