35-430. Cancellation of redeemed bonds; record of redemption; transmittal of abstract of record; payment of interest A. When the state treasurer pays or redeems any indebtedness he shall endorse, by writing or stamping in ink, on the face of the paper evidencing such indebtedness so paid or redeemed, the words "redeemed and canceled" with the date of cancellation. B. The state treasurer shall keep a complete record of all bonds redeemed and surrendered, and transmit to the governor an abstract of all proceedings relative thereto with his annual report, which shall be submitted by the governor to the legislature. C. The treasurer shall pay the interest on the bonds, when it falls due, from the interest fund, if sufficient, and if not sufficient, from the general fund, and for such deficiency the director of the department of administration shall draw his warrant on the state treasurer, payable to the order of the state treasurer from the general fund. |