36-1923. Hearing aid dispensers; licensure; requirements A. An applicant for a hearing aid dispenser license shall pay to the director a nonrefundable application fee and shall show to the satisfaction of the director that he: 1. Is a person of good moral character. 2. Has an education equivalent to a four-year course in an accredited high school or has continuously engaged in the practice of fitting and dispensing hearing aids during the three years preceding August 11, 1970. 3. Has not had his license revoked or suspended by a state within the past two years and is presently not ineligible for licensure in any state due to prior revocation or suspension. B. An applicant for a hearing aid dispenser license who is notified by the director that he has fulfilled the requirements of subsection A shall appear at a time, place and before persons the director designates, to be examined by written and practical tests in order to demonstrate that he is qualified to practice the fitting and dispensing of hearing aids. C. The director shall give at least one and not exceeding four examinations of the type described in this section in each calendar year as the volume of applications may make appropriate. A minimum of three months shall elapse following the last examination before another may be given. |