36-2163. Reports; confidentiality; annual statistical report; violations; classification; unprofessional conduct A. A report required by this article shall not contain the name of the woman, common identifiers such as the woman's social security number, driver license number or insurance carrier identification numbers or any other information or identifiers that would make it possible to identify in any manner or under any circumstances an individual who has obtained or seeks to obtain an abortion. B. The department of health services shall collect all abortion reports and complication reports and prepare a comprehensive annual statistical report based on the data gathered in the reports. The statistical report shall not lead to the disclosure of the identity of any person filing a report or about whom a report is filed. The department shall make the statistical report available on its website and for public inspection and copying. C. The report prepared by the department pursuant to subsection B of this section shall include statistics from the administrative office of the courts containing the following information: 1. The number of petitions filed pursuant to section 36-2152, subsection B. 2. Of the petitions filed pursuant to section 36-2152, subsection B, the number in which the judge appointed a guardian ad litem or court-appointed counsel for the minor pursuant to section 36-2152, subsection D. 3. Of the petitions filed pursuant to section 36-2152, subsection B, the number in which the judge issued an order authorizing an abortion without parental consent. 4. Of the petitions filed pursuant to section 36-2152, subsection B, the number in which the judge issued an order denying the petition. 5. Of the petitions denied, the number appealed to the court of appeals. 6. The number of those appeals that resulted in the denials being affirmed. 7. The number of those appeals that resulted in the denial being reversed. D. Except for a statistical report as provided in subsection B of this section, a report filed pursuant to this article is not a public record and is not available for public inspection, except that disclosure may be made to law enforcement officials on an order of a court after application showing good cause. The court may condition disclosure of the information on any appropriate safeguards it may impose. E. Original copies of all reports filed pursuant to sections 36-2161 and 36-2162 shall be available to the Arizona medical board and the Arizona board of osteopathic examiners in medicine and surgery for use in the performance of their official duties. The Arizona medical board and the Arizona board of osteopathic examiners in medicine and surgery shall maintain the confidentiality of any reports obtained pursuant to this subsection. F. An employee, agent or contractor of the department who wilfully discloses any information obtained from reports filed pursuant to this article, other than disclosure authorized under subsections B, D and E of this section or as otherwise authorized by law, is guilty of a class 3 misdemeanor. G. A person who is required by this article to file a report, keep any records or supply any information and who wilfully fails to file that report, keep records or supply information as required by law is guilty of unprofessional conduct and is subject to discipline including license suspension or revocation. H. A person who wilfully delivers or discloses to the department any report, record or information known by that person to be false commits a class 1 misdemeanor. I. In addition to the penalties prescribed by subsections F, G and H of this section, an organization or facility that wilfully violates the reporting requirements of this article is subject to discipline by the department including the same civil penalties as prescribed in section 36-126. |