36-263. Eligibility for children's rehabilitative services A. Any chronically ill or physically disabled person or the person's parent or legal guardian who applies for children's rehabilitative services is subject to a preliminary financial screening process developed by the department in coordination with the Arizona health care cost containment system administration to be administered at the initial intake level. If the results of a screening indicate that a child may be title XIX eligible, in order to continue to receive services pursuant to this article the applicant must then submit a complete application within ten working days to the department of economic security, or the Arizona health care cost containment system administration, which shall determine the applicant's eligibility pursuant to section 36-2901, paragraph 6, subdivision (a) or section 36-2931, paragraph 5 for health and medical or long-term care services. If the person is in need of emergency services provided pursuant to this article, the person may begin to receive these services immediately, provided that within five days from the date of service a financial screen is initiated. B. Applicants who refuse to cooperate in the financial screen and eligibility process are not eligible for services pursuant to this article. A form explaining loss of benefits due to refusal to cooperate shall be signed by the applicant. Refusal to cooperate shall not be construed to mean the applicant's inability to obtain documentation required for eligibility determination. C. The department of economic security shall, in coordination with the department of health services, provide on-site eligibility determination at appropriate program locations subject to legislative appropriation. D. This section only applies to persons who receive services that are provided pursuant to this section and that are paid for in whole or in part with state funds. E. Notwithstanding any other law, beginning on July 1, 2000, the department of health services shall not provide services in the children's rehabilitative services non-title XIX program to persons who are not citizens of the United States or who do not meet the alienage requirements that are established pursuant to title XIX of the social security act. This subsection does not apply to persons who are receiving services before August 6, 1999. |