36-272. Biomedical research commission; members; terms; appointment; compensation; meetings A. The biomedical research commission is established consisting of the following members who are appointed by the governor pursuant to section 38-211: 1. Three members representing the medical community who are experienced in disease related research, no more than one of whom may be employed by or otherwise associated with any state agency, state university or political subdivision of this state. 2. Three members representing the scientific research community, no more than two of whom may be employed by or otherwise associated with any state agency, state university or political subdivision of this state. 3. Three members representing the general public. B. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the terms of members are three years beginning on May 1. C. Commission members are eligible to receive compensation in the amount of two hundred dollars per day for every day of actual service in the business of the commission and are eligible for reimbursement of expenses necessarily and properly incurred in attending commission meetings. D. The director of the department of health services or the director's designee may serve as a nonvoting member of the commission and is not counted for the purpose of determining the presence of a quorum. E. The commission shall meet at least quarterly at the call of the chairperson. The commission shall also meet at the call of either three commission members or two commission members and the commission's executive director. The commission shall elect a chairperson and cochairperson from among its membership annually at its first quarterly meeting. |