36-2953. Department long-term care system fund; uniform accounting A. The department shall establish and maintain a department long-term care system fund which is a separate fund to distinguish its revenues and its expenditures pursuant to this article from other programs funded or administered by the department. Subject to legislative appropriation, the fund shall be used to pay administrative and program costs associated with the operation of the system. The department long-term care system fund shall be divided as follows: 1. An account for eligibility determination pursuant to section 36-2933, if the administration enters into an interagency agreement with the department pursuant to section 36-2933, subsection E. 2. An account for the provision of long-term care services as prescribed in section 36-2939, subsections A and B. B. The department long-term care system fund shall be comprised of: 1. Monies paid by the administration pursuant to the contract. 2. Amounts paid by third party payors. 3. Gifts, donations and grants from any source. 4. State appropriations for the department long-term care system pursuant to this article. 5. Interest on monies deposited in the long-term care system fund. C. The department shall submit a prospective long-term care budget as prescribed by the administration. D. The administration shall prescribe a uniform accounting system for the fund established pursuant to subsection A of this section. Technical assistance shall be provided by the administration to the department in order to facilitate the implementation of the uniform accounting system. E. The department shall submit an annual audited financial and programmatic report for the preceding fiscal year as required by the administration. The report shall include beginning and ending fund balances, revenues and expenditures including specific identification of administrative costs for the system. The report shall include the number of members served by the system and the cost incurred for various types of services provided to members in a format prescribed by the director. F. The department shall submit additional utilization and financial reports as required by the director. G. The director shall make at least an annual review of the department's records and accounts. |