36-806. Bodies not subject to disposition under this article A. This article shall not apply: 1. To bodies of persons who have died with smallpox, diphtheria or scarlet fever. 2. If the deceased person during his last illness, without suggestion or solicitation, requested to be buried or cremated. 3. If within twenty-four hours after death or before actual delivery, whichever is longer, a person claiming to be and satisfying the officer in charge of the body that he is of kindred or is related by marriage to the deceased or a duly authorized representative thereof, shall claim the body for burial or cremation or request in writing that it be buried at public expense. 4. If within the time specified in paragraph 3 of this subsection a person claiming to be and satisfying the officer in charge of the body that he is a friend of the deceased, arranges to have the body properly buried or cremated without public expense. B. Nothing in this article shall be construed to prevent any hospital, duly incorporated college or university or any duly licensed physician, surgeon or dentist from acquiring by gift or otherwise from persons having lawful authority to dispose thereof, the dead body of a human being for the purpose of post mortem examinations, dissection or other scientific use. |