37-1013. Powers and duties of commissioner A. The state natural resource conservation commissioner shall: 1. Offer appropriate assistance to the supervisors of districts in carrying out their powers and programs. 2. Keep the supervisors of each district informed of the activities and experiences of other districts, and facilitate cooperation and interchange of advice and experience between districts. 3. Coordinate the programs of the several districts insofar as possible by advice and consultation. 4. Require the supervisors of each district to file with him annually any audits and the records of the operations of the district for the preceding year in such form and detail as he prescribes. 5. Secure the cooperation and assistance of the United States, its agencies, and agencies of this state, in the work of districts, as he deems for the best interest of the state. 6. Disseminate information throughout the state concerning the activities and program of districts. 7. Provide staff support to the Arizona water protection fund commission established by title 45, chapter 12 and provide administrative assistance to natural resource conservation districts for compliance with the duties for districts pursuant to title 45, chapter 12. B. The commissioner may remove a district supervisor from such office if the commissioner determines, after reasonable notice and an impartial hearing, that the supervisor is guilty of misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance in office. For purposes of this subsection, "nonfeasance" includes the failure to attend three consecutive meetings of district supervisors without reasonable excuse. |