37-1122. General powers and duties of the commission A. The commission shall: 1. Adopt administrative rules that in its discretion it considers to be necessary and proper to carry out the provisions and purposes of this chapter. 2. Assemble and distribute information to the public relating to the commission's determination of navigability or nonnavigability of any watercourse and the commission's other activities. 3. Conduct inquiries or hearings in performing the commission's powers and duties. The commission shall conduct its proceedings informally without adherence to judicial rules of procedure or evidence. The commission shall facilitate participation by persons who are not represented by legal counsel and shall not require a person to file documents or notices in order to be heard and participate in proceedings before the commission. 4. Exercise such other powers as may be necessary to fully carry out its responsibilities imposed by this chapter. B. The commission may employ or contract for legal counsel, independent from the attorney general, and other professional and administrative services. Legal counsel retained by the commission may advise and represent the commission in connection with legal matters before other departments and agencies of this state and represent the commission in litigation concerning the affairs of the commission. Contracts for legal and professional services are exempt from section 41-192 and title 41, chapter 23. |