38-642. Fire fighter and peace officer cancer insurance policy program A. The board shall establish and administer a fire fighter and peace officer cancer insurance policy program for participating employers that employ fire fighters or peace officers. For the purposes of the internal revenue code, the program is an integral part of a political subdivision of this state. B. Participating employers that employ fire fighters or peace officers shall participate in the program. C. The board shall contract for a group cancer insurance policy to provide coverage as prescribed by section 38-645 or may self-insure the program by establishing an insurance policy that is of its own design and that is underwritten by the assets of the fire fighter and peace officer cancer insurance policy program account established by section 38-643. When procuring, establishing or administering any cancer insurance policy provided pursuant to this article the board is exempt from the requirements of title 41, chapter 23. D. On or before July 31 of each year, the board shall notify each employer required to participate in the program of the total amount payable to the board to pay for the costs of the program. The amount charged to each employer shall not exceed one hundred eighty dollars for each employee of the employer who is a fire fighter or peace officer on record with the board as of June 30 of that year. Each employer shall pay this amount to the board on or before August 31 of each year. E. Employers that fail to pay the amount required by subsection D of this section by August 31 shall pay a fifteen per cent late charge to the board on all delinquent amounts accrued monthly. If the amount due and the late charge are not paid within thirty days, the board may recover the amounts due from the employer by either: 1. Filing an action in a court of competent jurisdiction to recover the amount due. 2. Requesting a deduction of any monies, including excise revenue taxes, payable to the employer by any department or agency of this state. F. If the board self-insures the program the board and the program are exempt from title 20 and any rules adopted pursuant to title 20. |