40-360. Definitions In this article, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. "Area of jurisdiction" means the state, a county or an incorporated city or town which exercises concurrent or exclusive jurisdiction over a geographical area. 2. "Certificate of environmental compatibility" means the certificate required by this article which evidences the approval by the state of the sites for a plant or transmission line or both. 3. "Commission" means the Arizona corporation commission. 4. "Committee" means the powerplant and transmission line siting committee. 5. "Current Arizona electric transmission system" means the existing electric transmission system serving this state and all transmission lines on file with the commission as of January 31 of the previous year. 6. "Facilities" means a plant, transmission line or both. 7. "Member" means the state official named herein, the employee designee thereof from the department, agency or governing body of such state official member and the public members designated herein. 8. "Person" means any state or agency or political subdivision thereof, or any individual, partnership, joint venture, corporation, city or county, whether located within or without this state, or any combination of such entities. 9. "Plant" means each separate thermal electric, nuclear or hydroelectric generating unit with a nameplate rating of one hundred megawatts or more for which expenditures or financial commitments for land acquisition, materials, construction or engineering in excess of fifty thousand dollars have not been made prior to August 13, 1971. 10. "Transmission line" means a series of new structures erected above ground and supporting one or more conductors designed for the transmission of electric energy at nominal voltages of one hundred fifteen thousand volts or more and all new switchyards to be used therewith and related thereto for which expenditures or financial commitments for land acquisition, materials, construction or engineering in excess of fifty thousand dollars have not been made prior to August 13, 1971. 11. "Utility" means any person engaged in the generation or transmission of electric energy. |