41-1032. Effective date of rules A. A rule becomes effective sixty days after a certified original and two copies of the rule and preamble are filed in the office of the secretary of state and the time and date are affixed as provided in section 41-1031, unless the rule making agency includes in the preamble information that demonstrates that the rule needs to be effective immediately on filing in the office of the secretary of state and the time and date are affixed as provided in section 41-1031. A rule may only be effective immediately for any of the following reasons: 1. To preserve the public peace, health or safety. 2. To avoid a violation of federal law or regulation or state law, if the need for an immediate effective date is not created due to the agency's delay or inaction. 3. To comply with deadlines in amendments to an agency's governing statute or federal programs, if the need for an immediate effective date is not created due to the agency's delay or inaction. 4. To provide a benefit to the public and a penalty is not associated with a violation of the rule. 5. To adopt a rule that is less stringent than the rule that is currently in effect and that does not have an impact on the public health, safety, welfare or environment, or that does not affect the public involvement and public participation process. B. Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, a rule making agency may specify an effective date more than sixty days after the filing of the rule in the office of the secretary of state if the agency determines that good cause exists for and the public interest will not be harmed by the later date. C. This section does not affect the validity of an existing rule until the new or amended rule that is filed with the secretary of state is effective pursuant to this section. |