41-1513. Development of economic strength project A. Each year the department shall develop a priority list of economic strength projects which meet the criteria established under section 28-7281 and submit the list to the commerce and economic development commission. The department shall set priorities for individual projects based on the following: 1. The cost of the project. 2. The number of jobs which the project will cause to be created, retained or increased. 3. The nature and amount of capital investment or other contribution to the economy of this state or a local authority as a result of the project. 4. The likelihood that benefits resulting from the project will exceed the costs of the project. 5. The amount of contributions to the project provided from other than the economic strength project fund is at least ten per cent of the cost of the project. 6. The amount and percentage of funding for the project which will come from a source other than the economic strength project fund as compared to other proposed projects. 7. The amount of expenditures required for local infrastructure relating to the project. 8. The magnitude of the project and its relative value to this state or a local authority as compared to other proposed projects. 9. The extent to which the project would contribute to achieving an equitable distribution of monies and projects among the various regions of this state and throughout this state as a whole. 10. The specific time schedule for completion of the project. B. The department shall confer with regional planning agencies and local authorities which would be affected by a specific economic strength project and shall submit their comments to the state transportation board. |