41-2125. Area B; sale of gasoline; oxygen content A. From and after September 30 through March 31 of each year, all gasoline that is supplied or sold by any person and that is intended as a final product for the fueling of motor vehicles within area B or that is consumed in a motor vehicle within area B by a fleet owner shall contain not less than 1.8 per cent by weight of oxygen nor more than the maximum percentage of oxygen allowed by the provisions of a waiver issued by the United States environmental protection agency. B. Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, at any time earlier than sixty days before September 30 of each year, the designated air quality planning agency for area B with the concurrence of the director of the department of environmental quality may give notice, pursuant to the applicable plan required under section 49-406 for the Tucson air planning area, to the director of the department of weights and measures that the minimum oxygen content for the ensuing oxygenate seasons will be increased not less than .3 per cent by weight of oxygen and not more than the maximum percentage of oxygen allowed for oxygenates by provisions of a waiver issued or other limits established by the United States environmental protection agency. Before making a determination to increase the minimum oxygen content pursuant to this subsection, the designated air quality planning agency for area B shall consider and conduct a cost-benefit analysis on all reasonable carbon monoxide emission reduction measures that could be implemented in lieu of increasing the minimum oxygen content. |