41-313. Duties A. Notaries public shall perform the following notarial acts, when requested: 1. Take acknowledgments and give certificates of the acknowledgments endorsed on or attached to the instrument. 2. Administer oaths and affirmations. 3. Perform jurats. 4. Perform copy certification. B. Notaries public shall: 1. Keep, maintain and protect as a public record a journal of all official acts performed by the notary as described in section 41-319. 2. Provide and keep the official seal that is imprinted in dark ink with the words "notary public", the name of the county in which the notary is commissioned, the name of the notary as it appears on the notarial application, the great seal of the state of Arizona and the expiration date of the notarial commission. 3. Authenticate with the official seal all official acts on every certificate or acknowledgment signed and sealed by the notary. 4. Respond to any requests for information and comply with any investigations that are initiated by the secretary of state or the attorney general. |