41-4602. Comprehensive internet web portal of local governments The department of administration shall establish an internet web portal that provides a list of all local governments with jurisdiction over any address entered by a user. Each listing shall be linked to an agency website maintained by each local government that shall primarily contain the following information: 1. The name of the local government's governing board with official contact information for each board member, including a phone number for direct contact by constituents. 2. The name and contact information for the administrative head of the local government. 3. Information for how the governing board and administrative head of the local government are selected, including dates of the next election, if any, durations of terms and names and contact information of appointing authorities, as applicable. 4. Information on taxes or fees controlled by the local government and proposed changes in the taxes or fees. 5. Information on special elections, which shall be posted at least ninety days in advance of the election date. 6. A link to the official internet website required by section 41-725. |