42-17152. Extending tax roll; limitation on residential property tax; effect of informalities A. As soon as the county board of supervisors finally determines the estimated amounts provided for in article 2 of this chapter, it shall assess taxes for the estimated amounts on the taxable property of the county, according and in proportion to the individual and particular valuation as specified in the assessment roll for the year, except that pursuant to article IX, section 18, Constitution of Arizona, primary property taxes may not be assessed in any tax year against real property, improvements and personal property classified as class three pursuant to section 42-12003 in excess of one per cent of the property's limited property value. B. The board of supervisors shall compute and list the property taxes and totals of taxes of each parcel, shall add the several taxes levied and shall compute the totals. The completed document constitutes the assessment and tax roll for the year. C. In addition to the requirements of subsection B of this section, if the board of supervisors authorizes tax statements to be delivered to the taxpayers of the county, the board shall list and compute the totals of the taxes by jurisdiction, for the current and the previous year. D. Any informality in complying with the requirements of this chapter does not render any tax collection proceeding illegal. E. For the purposes of this section, items of merchandise property that are exempt pursuant to article IX, sections 2 and 13, Constitution of Arizona, need not be listed on the tax rolls or tax statements. |