42-5066. Job printing classification A. The job printing classification is comprised of the business of job printing, engraving, embossing and copying. B. The tax base for the job printing classification is the gross proceeds of sales or gross income derived from the business, but the gross proceeds of sales or gross income derived from the following shall be deducted from the tax base: 1. Sales to a person in this state who has a transaction privilege tax license issued in this state, and who does either of the following: (a) Resells the job printing, engraving, embossing or copying. (b) Distributes such printing, engraving, embossing or copying without consideration in connection with the publication of a newspaper or magazine. 2. Sales of job printing, engraving, embossing and copying for use outside this state if the materials are shipped or delivered out of this state regardless of where title to the materials passes or their free on board point. 3. Sales of personal property to: (a) Qualifying hospitals as defined in section 42-5001. (b) A qualifying health care organization as defined in section 42-5001 if the tangible personal property is used by the organization solely to provide health and medical related educational and charitable services. 4. Sales of postage and freight except that the amount deducted shall not exceed the actual postage and freight expense that is paid to the United States postal service or a commercial delivery service and that is separately itemized by the taxpayer on the customer's invoice and in the taxpayer's records. 5. Sales to a motion picture production company that will use the job printing, engraving, embossing or copying directly in motion picture production. To qualify for this deduction, at the time of sale, the motion picture production company must present the job printer its certificate that is issued pursuant to section 42-5009, subsection H, and that establishes its qualifications for the deduction. |