43-1012. Optional tax table A. In lieu of the tax imposed under section 43-1011, there shall be levied, collected and paid for each taxable year upon the taxable income of each individual who has been a resident of this state for the entire taxable year and whose taxable income for such year is less than fifty thousand dollars, regardless of filing status, a tax based on the rates prescribed by section 43-1011 as shown in optional tax tables developed by the department. The tables shall prescribe tax liability amounts, based on filing status, in fifty dollar increments of taxable income. B. This section shall not apply to an individual filing a return for a period of less than twelve months on account of a change in the accounting period or to a married individual whose spouse files a return and computes the tax without regard to this section or section 43-1041, subsection A. C. An individual, who is not a head of a household or a married person, shall be treated as a single person. |