43-618. Contribution to domestic violence shelter fund A. The department shall provide a space on the first page of the individual income tax return form in which the taxpayer may designate an amount of the taxpayer's refund as a voluntary contribution to the domestic violence shelter fund established pursuant to section 36-3002 as amended by Laws 1997, chapter 210. B. After subtracting any setoff for debts pursuant to section 42-1122, the department shall subtract the designated amount from the refund due the taxpayer and transfer it to the department of economic security for deposit in the fund. The department shall determine the initial administrative cost of this section and report the amount to the department of economic security who shall transfer that amount to the state general fund. C. The taxpayer may also donate any amount to the fund, in lieu of or in addition to the designated portion of the tax refund, by an appropriate indication on the return and by including that amount with the return. |