44-1692. Permissible use of consumer reports A. Except as provided in section 44-1693, a consumer reporting agency may furnish a consumer report only under the following circumstances and no other: 1. In response to the order of a court having jurisdiction to issue such an order. 2. In accordance with the written instructions of the consumer to whom it relates. 3. To a person that it has reason to believe: (a) Intends to use the information in connection with a credit transaction involving the consumer on whom the information is to be furnished and involving the extension of credit to, or review or collection of an account of, the consumer. (b) Intends to use the information for employment purposes. (c) Intends to use the information in connection with the underwriting of insurance involving the consumer. (d) Intends to use the information in connection with a determination of the consumer's eligibility for any license or other benefit granted by a governmental instrumentality required by law to consider an applicant's financial responsibility or status. (e) Otherwise has a legitimate business need for the information in connection with a business transaction involving the consumer. 4. On request by the department of economic security, its agent or another agency administering a title IV-D program under the social security act certifying that: (a) The obligor mother or the obligor father has been determined to be the parent of a child to whom a support obligation relates. (b) The consumer report is needed to establish an obligor's capacity to make support payments or to determine the appropriate amount of the payments or for the purpose of setting an original support amount or modifying an existing support order. (c) The obligor has received at least ten days' advance notice, by certified mail, at the last known address, by personal delivery or by personal service that a consumer report will be requested. (d) The consumer report shall be kept confidential and shall be used only for the purposes described in subdivision (b) of this paragraph. (e) The consumer report shall not be used in connection with any other civil, administrative or criminal proceeding or for any other purpose. B. The report furnished in subsection A of this section may be provided by electronic or other means. |