44-1924. Order suspending registration; grounds; hearing; notice A. Except for securities registered by qualification pursuant to section 44-1901, if the commission has reasonable grounds to believe that the registration of any securities under this chapter should be revoked on any ground specified in section 44-1921 or 44-1922 it may enter an order suspending the registration of such securities pending an examination into the affairs of the issuer or pending a hearing or opportunity for hearing as provided by article 11 of this chapter. No suspension of registration shall be effective for more than thirty days, except with the consent of the registrant. The suspension order shall specify the grounds upon which it is issued. B. Upon entry of an order suspending the registration of any securities, or an order withdrawing a suspension order previously issued, the director shall send notice of the order to the issuer of the securities and to all registered dealers engaged in the sale thereof. |