46-151. Department of health services; out-of-wedlock pregnancies; goals A. The director of the department of health services shall develop standards and procedures to decrease the number of out-of-wedlock pregnancies and births, without increasing the abortion rate, for each year through June 30, 2005. The goals for decreasing out-of-wedlock births as a proportion of total births, are as follows: 1. No more than 38 per cent of total births for 1997-1998. 2. No more than 37 per cent of total births for 1998-1999. 3. No more than 35 per cent of total births for 1999-2000. 4. No more than 33 per cent of total births for 2000-2001. 5. No more than 31 per cent of total births for 2001-2002. 6. No more than 29 per cent of total births for 2002-2003. 7. No more than 27 per cent of total births for 2003-2004. 8. No more than 25 per cent of total births for 2004-2005. B. The standards shall reflect the policy set forth in part A of title IV of the social security act, as amended by section 103(a) of the personal responsibility and work opportunity reconciliation act of 1996. C. The director of the department of health services shall submit these standards and procedures to the federal department of health and human services on or before September 30, 1997. |