48-2382. Election where number of members of board increased A. If an order is made increasing the number of members of the board of directors and the date on which the order is made is at least sixty days prior to the first Wednesday of October of the same calendar year, an election shall be held on the first Wednesday in October, but if the date on which the order is made is less than sixty days prior to the first Wednesday in October of the same calendar year, the election shall be held on the first Wednesday in October of the next succeeding calendar year. B. At the election there shall be elected the number of directors necessary to conform the membership of the board of directors to the number provided by the order increasing the membership. No change in the number of members of the board of directors nor in the number of divisions in the district shall affect the term of office of the members constituting the board of directors at the time the order is made, and such members shall continue in office for the full term for which they were elected. The person receiving the highest number of votes for the offices to be filled at an election shall be declared elected thereto. |