48-402. Petition to form district; contents of petition A. Any group of fifteen or more persons or any number of persons who own at least seventy-five per cent of the acreage of the proposed district, who are the owners of any crop being grown within this state may petition to the board of supervisors of the county in which the crop is being grown for the formation of a pest control district for the purpose of preventing the establishment or eradicating any pest not of common occurrence on the crop within the district. The petition may consist of any number of separate instruments which shall be duplicates, except for the signature, address, and acreages of the crop of the signers. B. The petition shall include: 1. The name of the crop for which the district is requested. 2. The name of the pest, the establishment of which is to be prevented, or eradication of which is sought. 3. The boundaries of the district requested. 4. The name and address of each signer of the petition; acreage and varieties of the crop enumerated in the petition owned by him, together with the owner's valid signature. 5. A list of the proposed directors of the district. |