48-581. Resolution ordering improvement; notice; bids A. When no protests against the work or no objections as to the extent of the proposed assessment district have been filed within the time specified, or when a protest is found by the governing body to be insufficient, or when the objections to the extent of the proposed district have been heard and denied, the governing body may order, by resolution, the proposed improvements described in the resolution of intention. B. The resolution need not fully describe the improvement nor the extent of the assessment district, but may refer to the resolution of intention for the description. C. On completion of the plans and specifications, the superintendent shall publish a notice of the passage of the resolution ordering the work, and inviting sealed bids for making the improvement therein ordered, twice in one or more daily newspapers or once in a weekly or semiweekly newspaper, published and circulated in the city or town, and shall post a copy of the notice for five days on or near the door of the meeting place of the governing body. The notice shall state the time within which proposals may be filed with the clerk, which shall not be less than ten days from the date of the first publication of the notice. D. When in the resolution of intention the governing body has provided for alternative plans and specifications, the invitation for bids for making the improvement may require separate bids according to each of the several alternative plans and specifications. E. The governing body may combine by resolution two or more improvement projects for which resolutions of intention have been approved in order to allow the construction of those improvements under one contract and to allow one series of improvement bonds. |