48-6004. Report submittal; petition; formation of district A. On completion of the design concept report, including finalization of the finance and governance plan, the initial management oversight committee shall submit the report to the county board of supervisors for its approval. The design concept report shall be accompanied by a petition that purports to be signed by a number of property owners that own more than fifty per cent of the real property in the revised boundaries of the proposed preliminary phase of the district. On completion of the filing and a determination by the board of supervisors that the requisite number of property owners has signed the petition and that the public health, comfort, convenience, necessity or welfare would be promoted by the formation of the district, the county board of supervisors may approve the district and, if approved, shall appoint five persons to be the board of directors for the district. The county board of supervisors may also appoint an advisory board for the district. B. On approval by the county board of supervisors, the legal description of the preliminary phase of the district shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder for the county in which the district is located. On recording the district description, the district is formed. |