49-205. Availability of information to the public A. Any records, reports or information obtained from any person under this chapter, including records, reports or information obtained or prepared by the director or a department employee, shall be available to the public, except that: 1. Income tax returns are confidential. 2. Drinking water system security vulnerability assessments that are submitted to the United States environmental protection agency, pursuant to Public Law 107-188, are exempt from disclosure under this chapter and title 39, chapter 1. 3. Other information, or a particular part of the information, shall be considered confidential on either: (a) A showing, satisfactory to the director, by any person that the information, or a particular part of the information, if made public, would divulge the trade secrets of the person. (b) A determination by the attorney general that disclosure of the information or a particular part of the information would be detrimental to an ongoing criminal investigation or to an ongoing or contemplated civil enforcement action under this chapter in superior court. B. Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, the following information shall be available to the public: 1. The name and address of any permit applicant or permittee. 2. The chemical constituents, concentrations and amounts of any pollutant discharge. 3. The existence or level of a concentration of a pollutant in drinking water or in the environment. C. Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, and in addition to the information prescribed by subsection B of this section, the following information that is obtained by the department and that relates to discharges authorized by a permit issued under the program adopted pursuant to section 49-203, subsection A, paragraph 2 shall be made available to the public by the department: 1. Information required to be submitted in a permit application. 2. The frequency of the discharge. 3. The temperature and pH level of the discharge. 4. Other water quality characteristics that are required to be reported under the permit. D. Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, the director may disclose any records, reports or information obtained from any person under this chapter, including records, reports or information obtained by the director or department employees, to: 1. Other state employees concerned with administering this chapter or if the records, reports or information is relevant to any administrative or judicial proceeding under this chapter. 2. Employees of the United States environmental protection agency if such information is necessary or required to administer and implement or comply with the clean water act, the safe drinking water act, CERCLA or provisions and regulations relating to those acts. |