49-406. Nonattainment area plan A. For any ozone, carbon monoxide or particulate nonattainment or maintenance area the governor shall certify the metropolitan planning organization designated to conduct the continuing, cooperative and comprehensive transportation planning process for that area under 23 United States Code section 134 as the agency responsible for the development of a nonattainment or maintenance area plan for that area. B. For any ozone, carbon monoxide or particulate nonattainment or maintenance area for which no metropolitan planning organization exists, the department shall be certified as the agency responsible for development of a nonattainment or maintenance area plan for that area. C. For any ozone, carbon monoxide or particulate nonattainment or maintenance area, the department, the planning agency certified pursuant to subsection A of this section on behalf of elected officials of affected local government, the county air pollution control department or district, and the department of transportation shall, by November 15, 1992, and from time to time as necessary, jointly review and update planning procedures or develop new procedures. D. In preparing the procedures described in subsection C of this section, the department, the planning agency certified pursuant to subsection A of this section on behalf of elected officials of affected local government, the county air pollution control department or district, and the department of transportation shall determine which elements of each revised implementation plan will be developed, adopted, and implemented, through means including enforcement, by the state and which by local governments or regional agencies, or any combination of local governments, regional agencies or the state. E. The department, the planning agency certified pursuant to subsection A of this section on behalf of elected officials of affected local government, the county air pollution control department or district, and the department of transportation shall enter into a memorandum of agreement for the purpose of coordinating the implementation of the procedures described in subsection C and D of this section. F. At a minimum, the memorandum of agreement shall contain: 1. The relevant responsibilities and authorities of each of the coordinating agencies. 2. As appropriate, procedures, schedules and responsibilities for development of nonattainment or maintenance area plans or plan revisions and for determining reasonable further progress. 3. Assurances for adequate plan implementation. 4. Procedures and responsibilities for tracking plan implementation. 5. Responsibilities for preparing demographic projections including land use, housing, and employment. 6. Coordination with transportation programs. 7. Procedures and responsibilities for adoption of control measures and emissions limitations. 8. Responsibilities for collecting air quality, transportation and emissions data. 9. Responsibility for conducting air quality modeling. 10. Responsibility for administering and enforcing stationary source controls. 11. Provisions for the timely and periodic sharing of all data and information among the signatories relating to: (a) Demographics. (b) Transportation. (c) Emissions inventories. (d) Assumptions used in developing the model. (e) Results of modeling done in support of the plan. (f) Monitoring data. G. Each agency that commits to implement any emission limitation or other control measure, means or technique contained in the implementation plan shall describe that commitment in a resolution adopted by the appropriate governing body of the agency. The resolution shall specify the following: 1. Its authority for implementing the limitation or measure as provided in statute, ordinance or rule. 2. A program for the enforcement of the limitation or measure. 3. The level of personnel and funding allocated to the implementation of the measure. H. The state, in accordance with the rules adopted pursuant to section 49-404, and the governing body of the metropolitan planning organization shall adopt each nonattainment or maintenance area plan developed by a certified metropolitan planning organization. The adopted nonattainment or maintenance area plan shall be transmitted to the department for inclusion in the state implementation plan provided for under section 49-404. I. After adoption of a nonattainment or maintenance area plan, if on the basis of the reasonable further progress determination described in subsection F of this section or other information, the control officer determines that any person has failed to implement an emission limitation or other control measure, means or technique as described in the resolution adopted pursuant to subsection G of this section, the control officer shall issue a written finding to the person, and shall provide an opportunity to confer. If the control officer subsequently determines that the failure has not been corrected, the county attorney, at the request of the control officer, shall file an action in superior court for a preliminary injunction, a permanent injunction, or any other relief provided by law. J. After adoption of a nonattainment or maintenance area plan, if, on the basis of the reasonable further progress determination described in subsection F of this section or other information, the director determines that any person has failed to implement an emission limitation or other control measure, means or technique as described in the resolution adopted pursuant to subsection G of this section, and that the control officer has failed to act pursuant to subsection I of this section, the director shall issue a written finding to the person and shall provide an opportunity to confer. If the director subsequently determines that the failure has not been corrected, the attorney general, at the request of the director, shall file an action in superior court for a preliminary injunction, a permanent injunction, or any other relief provided by law. K. Notwithstanding subsections A and B of this section, in any metropolitan area with a metropolitan statistical area population of less than two hundred fifty thousand persons, the governor shall designate an agency that meets the criteria of section 174 of the clean air act and that is recommended by the city that causes the metropolitan area to exist and the affected county. That agency shall prepare and adopt the nonattainment or maintenance area plan. If the governor does not designate an agency, the department shall be certified as the agency responsible for the development of a nonattainment or maintenance area plan for that area. |