5-101. Definitions In this article, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. "Additional wagering facility" means a facility which is not the enclosure in which authorized racing takes place but which meets the requirements of section 5-111, subsection A and is used by a permittee for handling pari-mutuel wagering. 2. "Applicant" means a person, partnership, association or corporation placing before the department an application for a permit or license. 3. "Association" means a body of persons, corporations, partnerships or associations, united and acting together without a charter from the state for the prosecution of some common enterprise. 4. "Commercial horse racing" means horse racing conducted other than by a county fair association. 5. "Commission" means the Arizona racing commission. 6. "Concessionaire" means a person, partnership, association or corporation that offers goods or services for sale to the public, a permittee or a licensee at an enclosure in which authorized racing takes place or an additional wagering facility. 7. "County fair facility" means any place, enclosure or track constructed in accordance with a permit issued by the commission for the purpose of running county fair horse racing dates as well as any commercial dates for horse racing that may be awarded by the commission in reference to such a location. 8. "County fair racing association" means an association duly authorized by the board of supervisors to conduct a county fair racing meeting for the benefit of the county. 9. "Dark day simulcast" means a simulcast received on a day when there are no posted races conducted at the enclosure in which authorized racing takes place. 10. "Department" means the Arizona department of racing. 11. "Desensitized" means that a horse's or dog's legs upon arrival at the receiving barn, saddling paddock or lockout kennel do not respond appropriately to tests for feeling administered by an official veterinarian. 12. "Director" means the director of the Arizona department of racing. 13. "Dog racing" means racing in which greyhound dogs chase a mechanical lure. 14. "Entered" means that a horse or dog has been registered with an authorized racing official as a participant in a specified race and has not been withdrawn prior to presentation of the horse or dog for inspection and testing as provided in section 5-105. 15. "Financial interest" means any direct pecuniary interest. 16. "Firm" means a business unit or enterprise that transacts business. 17. "Handle" means the total amount of money contributed to all pari-mutuel pools by bettors. 18. "Harness racing" means horse racing in which the horses are harnessed to a sulky, carriage or similar vehicle and driven by a driver. 19. "Horse racing" means racing in which horses are mounted and ridden by jockeys. For purposes of county fair racing meetings, "horse racing" means racing in which horses or mules are mounted and ridden by jockeys. 20. "License" means the license issued by the department to each employee or other person participating in any capacity in a racing meeting, including officials and employees of the pari-mutuel department. 21. "Pari-mutuel wagering" means a system of betting which provides for the distribution among the winning patrons of at least the total amount wagered less the amount withheld under state law. 22. "Permit" means a permit for a racing meeting issued under the provisions of this article. 23. "Racing meeting" means a number of days of racing allotted by the commission in one permit. 24. "Simulcast" means the telecast shown within this state of live audio and visual signals of horse, harness or dog races conducted at an out-of-state track or the telecast shown outside this state of live audio and visual signals of horse, harness or dog races originating within this state for the purpose of pari-mutuel wagering. 25. "Undesirable" includes known bookmakers, touts, persons convicted of a violation of any provision of this article or of any law prohibiting bookmaking or any other illegal forms of wagering, or any other person whose presence would, in the opinion of the director, be inimical to the interests of the state. 26. "Week" means seven consecutive days beginning on Monday and ending on Sunday, mountain standard time. |