5-222. Application of this chapter; definition This chapter does not apply to any amateur boxing contest conducted by or participated in by the following institutions or organizations: 1. Any school, community college, college or university or an association or organization composed exclusively of schools, community colleges, colleges or universities when each contestant is a student enrolled in a school, community college, college or university. As used in this section, "school, community college, college or university" means every school, community college, college or university and every other school, community college, college or university determined by the state board of education, community college districts as defined in section 15-1401 or the Arizona board of regents to be maintained primarily for the giving of general academic education. 2. A government unit or agency of the United States or this state and its subdivisions. 3. A nonprofit interstate association or intrastate association in this state which has standards and regulations for the physical safety of the participants at least equal to the requirements of this chapter, including such bona fide amateur associations or organizations. 4. A fraternal benefit society as defined in section 20-861. 5. Any bona fide private school whose primary purpose is instruction in the martial arts, provided that the contests held in conjunction with such instruction are amateur and provided that an admission fee is not charged for attendance. 6. Any bona fide private school whose primary purpose is instruction in karate, provided that the contests held in conjunction with such instruction are amateur. |