5-233. Contestants and referees; physical examination; attendance of physician; payment of fees; insurance A. All boxers and referees shall be examined by a physician licensed by this state before entering the ring, and the examining physician shall immediately file with the commission a written report of the examination. The physician's report of the examination shall include specific mention as to the condition of the boxer's heart and general physical condition. The physician's report may include specific mention as to the condition of the boxer's nerves and brain as required by the commission. The cost of the examination is payable by the person conducting the contest or exhibition. B. Every person holding or sponsoring any boxing contest shall have in attendance at every boxing contest a physician licensed by this state. The commission may establish a schedule of fees to be paid to each physician by the person or by the promoter. C. The commission shall: 1. Require insurance coverage for a boxer to provide for medical, surgical and hospital care for injuries sustained in the ring in an amount of twenty thousand dollars with twenty-five dollars deductible and payable to the boxer as beneficiary. 2. Require life insurance for a boxer in the amount of fifty thousand dollars payable in case of accidental death resulting from injuries sustained in the ring. D. The cost of the insurance required by this section is payable by the promoter. |