6-1408. Annual report of licensee; civil penalty for failure to file A. On or before February 1, the licensee shall annually file a report under oath and in the form prescribed by the superintendent concerning the business and operations during the preceding calendar year. On good cause shown by a licensee, the superintendent may extend the time for filing the report for a period not to exceed sixty days. B. If a licensee fails to file the annual report, the superintendent or any person designated by him may examine the books, accounts and records of the licensee and prepare the annual report and the licensee shall be assessed an examination fee as prescribed in section 6-125. C. If a licensee fails to file the annual report within the specified time, the superintendent may assess a civil penalty for the failure to file unless an extension of time is granted by the superintendent in writing prior to the due date of the annual report. The penalty shall not be more than twenty-five dollars per day. The licensee shall pay the penalty to the superintendent within thirty days of the assessment. |