9-1104. Notice of entry of land as townsite; statement and filing of claims to land A. The trustee shall then cause a notice to be published in all the newspapers published in the city or town, or if no newspaper is published therein, then by posting the notice in five public places in the city or town for sixty days successively, giving notice of the entry of the land and requiring every claimant of a lot to file a statement of his claim in the office of the trustee on or before ninety days from the first publication. The statement shall be in writing, signed and sworn to by the claimant, or if absent from the county, by his agent, and shall be recorded in a book to be kept for that purpose by the trustee. It shall specify the grounds of the claim, particularly describe the lots claimed, the date and name, as near as possible, of the first actual occupant, what improvements have been made thereon, and that at the time of making the statement the lots are actually possessed and occupied by the claimant, or that the right to possession and occupation is in him, if then occupied by another. B. The statement to the trustee shall be accompanied by a fee of twenty cents a folio for filing and recording. The claimant shall within sixty days after expiration of the time for filing claims, make proof of the facts alleged in his statement before the trustee. No proof can be made after that time, unless the claimant has appeared within that time and obtained and had entered in the records an order of continuance by the trustee. |