9-1112. Selection and conveyance of sites for public purposes A. After the plat of the townsite has been recorded and upon petition of at least ten resident house-holders of the city or town, the trustee, by and with the advice of the board of school trustees of the district, shall set apart a site for a district school house, and the trustee shall deed the lots embraced in the site to the board. If the city or town is a county seat, the trustee, upon a like petition and by and with the consent and advice of the board of supervisors, may set apart and deed to the county a site for a courthouse and other county buildings. Upon petition signed by a majority of the property holders of the city or town designating the site, the trustee may set apart a public square or park. B. Such locations shall not include any lot held by a bona fide claimant nor interfere with vested rights. |