9-481. Audits of cities and towns A. The governing body of each incorporated city or town shall cause an audit to be made by a certified public accountant or public accountant who is currently licensed by the Arizona state board of accountancy and who is not an employee of the city or town. Audits shall be made for each fiscal year for all incorporated cities. Audits shall be made at least once for every two fiscal years for all incorporated towns, and the audit shall include financial transactions during both fiscal years. B. The audit and the audit report shall include all of the accounts and funds of the city or town, including operating, special, utility, debt, trust, pension, and all other money or property for which the city or town, or any department or officer of the city or town, is responsible either directly or indirectly. The audits shall be made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. The consequent audit report shall contain financial statements that are in conformity with generally accepted municipal accounting principles and shall set forth the financial position and results of the operations for each fund and account of the city or town. The audit report shall also include the following: 1. The professional opinion of the accountant or accountants with respect to the financial statements or, if an opinion cannot be expressed, a declaration of the reasons an opinion cannot be expressed. 2. Beginning with fiscal year 2003-2004, a determination as to whether highway user revenue fund monies received by the city or town pursuant to title 28, chapter 18, article 2 and any other dedicated state transportation revenues received by the city or town are being used solely for the authorized transportation purposes. C. The audit shall begin as soon as possible after the close of the fiscal year although interim auditing may be performed during the year or years under audit. The audit shall be completed and the final audit report shall be submitted within six months after the close of the fiscal year or years audited. D. Not less than three copies of the audit report shall be signed by the auditor and filed with the city or town. The city or town shall immediately make one copy of the report a public record which shall be open to the public for inspection and one copy shall be deposited with the Arizona state library, archives and public records. |