9-500.08. Enforcement of water conservation plumbing requirements A. The governing body of a city or town may designate an appropriate official to enforce all or a portion of title 45, chapter 1, article 12, relating to water conservation plumbing requirements. If a city or town designates an official pursuant to this subsection, it shall notify the department of water resources, in writing, of its intent to do so. An election under this subsection divests the department of water resources of jurisdiction to enforce those provisions, except that the department may enforce those provisions against any person who manufactures or distributes to a wholesaler or retailer any plumbing fixture for use in this state. B. The city or town may retain the revenues from all civil penalties and assessments collected by the city or town under this section and title 45, chapter 1, article 12 as reimbursement for the costs of past enforcement actions and to fund future enforcement efforts. |