§ 16-10-207 - Police department and marshal's and sheriff's offices -- Activities and clerical duties required.
16-10-207. Police department and marshal's and sheriff's offices -- Activities and clerical duties required.
The following activities and clerical duties relating to court functions shall be required of all police departments, city or town marshals, and sheriff's offices:
(1) Controls for Uniform Traffic Tickets. (A) A list of all uniform traffic ticket books and the corresponding range of tickets in each book shall be kept in the police department, office of city or town marshal, or sheriff's office.
(B) The issuance of the uniform traffic ticket books shall be the responsibility of the chief of police, marshal, or sheriff, or someone who is delegated the authority to do so.
(C) Each patrolman, including also the chief of police, marshal, or sheriff, shall sign a receipt for each uniform traffic ticket book issued to him or her. This receipt book shall be made available for inspection.
(D) The chief of police, marshal, or sheriff shall be responsible for ensuring that all uniform traffic tickets issued shall be entered on the arrest report.
(E) As each uniform traffic ticket book is completed, it shall immediately be filed with the court clerk and made available for inspection;
(2) [Repealed.]
(3) Preparation and Submission of Arrest Report. (A) Separate arrest reports shall be prepared for city cases and county cases.
(B) The arrest report shall contain columns for the following information:
(i) Uniform traffic ticket number;
(ii) Violator's name;
(iii) Nature of the offense;
(iv) Name of the arresting officer;
(v) Receipt number;
(vi) Fine and costs collected; and
(vii) Any other additional information deemed appropriate or necessary.
(C) (i) Prior to the court date, the arrest report shall be prepared from the tickets accumulated in the court date file in the police department office, marshal's office, or sheriff's office.
(ii) After the case has been adjudicated and the court's determination entered on the uniform traffic ticket, the processed police department or sheriff's office copy of the uniform traffic ticket shall then be filed either alphabetically or numerically.
(D) The fine and costs column shall be totaled, and a check shall be drawn payable to the court fund which represents moneys collected and receipts issued by the police department, marshal's office, or sheriff's office for those tickets contained on the arrest report.
(E) A completed copy of the arrest report accompanied by the police department's, marshal's office, or sheriff's office check shall be delivered to the court clerk; and
(4) Collection, Receipt, and Deposit Procedures. (A) All receipt books must be prenumbered by the printer, and a printer's certificate or other evidence shall be furnished to the police department, marshal's office, or sheriff's office, which shall be made available for inspection.
(B) All void or spoiled receipts must be accounted for by attaching the original copy of the receipt to the duplicate copy of the receipt in the receipt book.
(C) The receipt shall be issued in the name of the violator regardless of who paid the bond or fine or who collected the bond or fine.
(D) (i) A prenumbered receipt shall be issued for all moneys collected, and such receipts shall be deposited intact daily in the bank account maintained by the police department, marshal's office, or sheriff's office.
(ii) All receipt numbers shall be entered on the arrest report by the police department, marshal's office, or sheriff's office.
(E) The police department, marshal's office, or sheriff's office may maintain separate bank accounts for city cases and county cases.
(F) The bank deposit slips prepared by the police department, marshal's office, or sheriff's office shall contain the range of receipt numbers evidencing such collections. In addition, the receipts issued shall be reconciled with the monthly bank deposits.
(G) A bank reconciliation shall be made at the end of each month, and any balance remaining in the bank account shall be identified with receipts issued but not yet entered on the arrest report.