§ 17-92-205 - Rules and regulations -- Enforcement.
17-92-205. Rules and regulations -- Enforcement.
(a) (1) The Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy shall have authority to make reasonable rules and regulations, not inconsistent with law, to carry out the purposes and intentions of this chapter and the pharmacy laws of this state that the board deems necessary to preserve and protect the public health.
(2) The board shall by regulation establish standards for the administration of medications by licensed pharmacists, including, but not limited to, the completion of a course in the administration of medications.
(b) It shall be the duty of the board, through officials appointed by it or under its supervision for that purpose, to enforce all the provisions of this chapter.
(c) (1) Upon written authorization by the board, the board's inspectors or other designated agents shall have authority to conduct oversight activities authorized by law, including, but not limited to, audits, investigations, inspections, licensure, or disciplinary actions, civil, administrative, or criminal proceedings or actions, or other activities necessary for appropriate oversight of the regulated activities and may enter any store, business establishment, including any hospital pharmacy, or any other facility holding a license, permit, or other authority issued by the board where drugs, medicines, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, poisons, home medical equipment, or services or other objects, services, or activities regulated by the board are manufactured, sold, dispensed, or conducted to enforce this chapter, the Uniform Controlled Substances Act, 5-64-101 -- 5-64-510, 5-64-1001 et seq., 5-64-1101 et seq., the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 20-56-201 et seq., or 20-64-501 et seq.
(2) (A) Upon written authorization by the board, the board's inspectors and other designated agents may obtain copies of any document, prescription, drug order, or other record or physical object relevant to the board's oversight of the regulated activity.
(B) (i) With regard to hospital pharmacies, the board's inspectors and other designated agents may also view and at the board's expense make copies of identifiable records relating to patients in patient areas of the hospital if the records are relevant to an activity regulated by the board.
(ii) However, should any such record be in active use or storage at the time of the board's request to examine, obtain, or copy the record, the entity having control or possession of the record shall state in writing that the record will be made available to the board at a specific date and time within two (2) working days after the board's request.
(C) For purposes of confidentiality, a record containing patient health information in the possession of the board under this subdivision (c)(2) shall be considered a medical record for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act of 1967, 25-19-101 et seq.
(3) In any investigation or official inquiry of a potential violation of law or any administrative proceeding regarding an alleged violation of law subject to its jurisdiction, the board may issue subpoenas signed by its executive director or the director's designee for any document, prescription, drug order, or other record or physical object identified or otherwise described in the subpoena if the item is relevant and material to the inquiry, investigation, or proceeding.
(4) In any administrative proceeding arising from an alleged violation of law within its jurisdiction, the board may order the disclosure of any information that is relevant and material to the alleged violation.
(5) (A) If a person has been served with a subpoena or subpoena duces tecum or has been ordered to disclose information in an administrative proceeding under this chapter and fails to comply with the order, the board may apply to the Pulaski County Circuit Court or to the circuit court of the county in which the board is conducting its investigation or hearing for an order directing that:
(i) The person be brought before the court; and
(ii) After notice and opportunity for a hearing, the person comply with the order.
(B) If the person violates the court's order, the court may punish the person for civil contempt.
(C) If a person fails or refuses to make available to the board's inspectors or agents under subdivision (c)(2) of this section any document, prescription, drug order, or other record or physical object, the board may file an action in the Pulaski County Circuit Court or in the circuit court of the county in which the board is conducting its oversight activity to obtain an order, after notice and opportunity for hearing, mandating that the person make the document, prescription, drug order, or other record or physical object available to the board's representatives.