§ 18-14-102 - Definitions.
18-14-102. Definitions.
As used in this chapter:
(1) "Acquisition agent" means a person who by means of telephone, mail, advertisement, inducement, solicitation, or otherwise in the ordinary course of the acquisition agent's business attempts directly to encourage any person to attend a sales presentation for a time-share program;
(2) "Agency" means the Arkansas Real Estate Commission, which is an agency within the meaning of the Arkansas Administrative Procedure Act, 25-15-201 et seq.;
(3) "Developer" in the case of any given property, means any person or entity which is in the business of creating or which is in the business of selling its own time-share intervals in any time-share program. This definition does not include a person acting solely as a sales agent;
(4) "Development", "project", or "property" means all of the real property subject to a project instrument and containing more than one (1) unit;
(5) "Exchange agent" means a person who exchanges or offers to exchange time-share intervals in an exchange program with other time-share intervals;
(6) "Managing agent" means a person who undertakes the duties, responsibilities, and obligations of the management of a time-share program;
(7) "Offering" means any offer to sell, solicitation, inducement, or advertisement made in this state, whether directly or indirectly, whether by radio, television, newspaper, magazine, or by mail, whereby a person is given an opportunity or encouraged to acquire a time-share interval. This definition shall not include a property owner who may refer persons to a developer-owned subdivision provided that the owner's activities are limited to the referral of a prospective purchaser to the developer-owned subdivision and the time-share owner receives only nominal consideration which is not contingent upon the sale of a time-share interval;
(8) "Person" means one (1) or more natural persons, corporations, partnerships, associations, trusts, other entities, or any combination thereof;
(9) "Project instrument" means one (1) or more recordable documents applicable to the whole project, by whatever name denominated, containing restrictions or covenants regulating the use, occupancy, or disposition of an entire project, including any amendments to the document but excluding any law, ordinance, or governmental regulation;
(10) "Public offering statement" means that statement required by 18-14-404;
(11) "Purchaser" means any person other than a developer or lender who acquires an interest in a time-share interval;
(12) "Sales agent" means a person who sells, or offers to sell, in his or her ordinary course of business, time-share intervals in a time-share program to a purchaser. All such sales agents shall be licensed and subject to the provisions of 17-42-101 et seq. Provided, however, that the provisions of 17-42-401 et seq., pertaining to the Real Estate Recovery Fund shall not apply to violations occurring as a result of, or in connection with, any time-share activity;
(13) "Time-share estate" means an ownership or leasehold estate in property devoted to a time-share fee such as tenants in common, time-span ownership, or interval ownership, and a time-share lease;
(14) "Time-share instrument" means any document, by whatever name denominated, creating or regulating time-share programs, but excluding any law, ordinance, or governmental regulation;
(15) "Time-share interval" means a time-share estate or a time-share use;
(16) "Time-share program" means any arrangement for time-share intervals in a time-share project whereby the use, occupancy, or possession of real property has been made subject to either a time-share estate or time-share use whereby such use, occupancy, or possession circulates among purchasers of the time-share intervals according to a fixed or floating time schedule on a periodic basis occurring annually over any period of time in excess of three (3) years in duration;
(17) "Time-share project" means any real property that is subject to a time-share program;
(18) "Time-share use" means any contractual right of exclusive occupancy which does not fall within the definition of a time-share estate including, without limitation, a vacation license, club membership, limited partnership, or vacation bond pertaining to a time-share program; and
(19) "Unit" means the real property or real property improvement in a project which is divided into time-share intervals.