§ 22-7-225 - Federal relinquishment of exclusive legislative jurisdiction pertaining to the administration of criminal laws.
22-7-225. Federal relinquishment of exclusive legislative jurisdiction pertaining to the administration of criminal laws.
(a) The consent of the state is hereby given to accept the relinquishment by the United States of exclusive legislative jurisdiction only as to the administration of criminal laws insofar as said assignment affects the following described tracts of real property situated in the State of Arkansas, to wit:
(1) Henry R. Koen Forest Service Building, 605 W. Main Street, Russellville, Arkansas, the same being all of Block "B" in S. M. Shinn's Addition and all of Block 41 in Mary A. Russell's Addition to the City of Russellville, Pope County, Arkansas, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on Section line approximately 85 feet more or less West of SE corner of Section 5, Township 7 North, Range 20 West. Also, being the SE corner of said Block 41 Mary A. Russell's Addition and the NE corner of said Block "B" S. M. Shinn's Addition, and on the West line of South Fargo Avenue; thence in a southerly direction with the west line of Fargo Avenue 130 feet more or less to the North line of 2nd Court Street; thence in a westernly direction with the North line of 2nd Court Street to the East line of South Glenwood Avenue being 167 feet more or less; thence in a northernly direction with the East line of Glenwood Avenue 365 feet more or less to the South line of West Main Street; thence in an easternly direction with the South line of West Main Street to the West line of South Fargo Avenue, being 240 feet more or less; thence in a southerly direction with the West line of South Fargo Avenue 160 feet more or less to the point of beginning;
(2) Federal Office Building, 115 South Denver St., Russellville, Arkansas, the same being all of Lots Seven (7), Eight (8), and Nine (9) in Block "F" J. M. Shinn's Addition to the City of Russellville, County of Pope, State of Arkansas, the same being a parcel of land facing one hundred twenty (120) feet on River Street, and one hundred twenty (120) feet on David Street;
(3) U. S. Post Office/Court, 600 West Capitol Street, Little Rock, Arkansas, the same being Lots 1-12 inclusive, Block 126, of the City of Little Rock, County of Pulaski, State of Arkansas, according to recorded plan thereof;
(4) U. S. Post Office/Court, 5th and State Line Ave., Texarkana, Arkansas, the same being all of Fractional Block No. Twenty-nine (29), Original City of Texarkana, County of Miller, State of Arkansas, as same appears upon the map and plat of said town made and recorded by the Cairo and Fulton R. R. Company;
(5) Federal Office Building, 120 North Broadway, Blytheville, Arkansas, the same being all of Lots Nos. 4, 5 and 6, in Block 5, Davis Addition to the City of Blytheville, in Mississippi County, Arkansas, the entire three lots composing a plot of ground 150 feet by 140 feet;
(6) Federal Office Building, 123 N. Main Street, Benton, Arkansas, the same being all of Lots numbered Two (2) and Three (3), in Block numbered Eleven (11), in the Original Town (now City) of Benton, County of Saline, State of Arkansas, as per plat thereof dated June 25, 1836, and duly recorded among the land records in and for the County and State, aforesaid, and taken together forming one (1) tract or parcel of land contained within the following metes and bounds, namely: Beginning for the same at the point of intersection of the East Line of Main Street (80 feet wide) with the South line of Sevier Street (80 feet wide), where is set a concrete monument six inches by six inches by three feet, and running thence along the South line of Sevier Street, East one hundred fifty (150) feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot Two (2); thence along the rear lines of both lots, South one hundred (100) feet to a similar monument set at the Southeast corner of said Lot Three (3); thence along the South line of Lot Three (3), West one hundred fifty (150) feet to another concrete monument, six inches by six inches by three feet, set at the Southwest corner of Lot Three (3); and thence along the West lines of the Lots, Two (2) and Three (3), and the East line of Main Street, aforesaid, North one hundred (100) feet to the point of beginning; also any and all of the right, title and interest of the party grantor in and to all streets, roads, avenues, alleys, alley-ways and rights-of-way abutting, or in anywise appertaining to, the land above described.
(7) U. S. Post Office/Court, 30 South 6th Street, Fort Smith, Arkansas, the same being all of Block 514 of Reserve Addition to the City of Fort Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas, as established by Special Deed filed March 24, 1885, in Deed Record "N", Page 618, and by a plat prepared by George H. Lyman, civil engineer, which is on file in the General Land Office of the United States and approved by the Secretary of the Interior, Secretary of the Treasury, and Secretary of War on November 8, 1884, November 13, 1884, and February 2, 1885, respectively, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the westernmost corner of said Block 514 at the intersection of the northerly line of Parker Avenue and the easterly line of South 5th Street; thence North 39 degrees 00' East, 300.00 feet along said easterly line of South 5th Street to an intersection with the southerly line of Rogers Avenue; thence along said southerly line South 51 degrees 00' East, 308.12 feet to the westerly line of South 6th Street; thence South 39 degrees 00' West, 300.00 feet along said westerly line to the northerly line of Parker Avenue; thence North 51 degrees 00' West, 308.12 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 92,436.00 square feet.
(b) The right of the State of Arkansas to exercise jurisdiction to administer criminal laws over the real property described in subsection (a) of this section, shall be without prejudice of the right of the United States to exercise such concurrent legislative jurisdiction to administer criminal laws as may be vested in or retained by it over said real property.
(c) Except as provided in subsections (a) and (b) of this section, the United States shall continue to retain and exercise exclusive legislative jurisdiction over the real property described above for all other purposes.