§ 4-75-207 - Destruction of competition by price discrimination prohibited.
4-75-207. Destruction of competition by price discrimination prohibited.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation doing business in the State of Arkansas and engaged in the production, manufacture, distribution, or sale of any commodity or product or of service or output of a service trade of general use or consumption or of the product or service of any public utility with the intent to destroy the competition of any regular established dealer in the commodity, product, or service, or to prevent the competition of any person, firm, private corporation, or municipal or other public corporation who or which in good faith intends and attempts to become a dealer to discriminate between different sections, communities, or cities or portions thereof, or between different locations in the sections, communities, cities, or portions thereof in this state, by selling or furnishing the commodity, product, or service at a lower rate in one (1) section, community, or city or any portion thereof, or in one (1) location in the section, community, or city or any portion thereof, than in another, after making allowance for difference, if any, in the grade, quality, or quantity and in the actual cost of transportation from the point of production, if a raw product or commodity, or from the point of manufacture, if a manufactured product or commodity.
(b) The inhibition of this section against locality discrimination shall include any scheme of special rebates, collateral contracts, or any device of any nature whereby such discrimination is, in substance or fact, effected in violation of the spirit and intent of this subchapter.
(c) This subchapter shall not be construed to prohibit the meeting in good faith of a competitive rate, or to prevent a reasonable classification of service by public utilities for the purpose of establishing rates.